Saturday, August 29, 2009

High Noon Parade

Mom and I went to the High Noon Parade here and saw some fabulous horses! Clydesdales (black) and Belgains (brown), and (I don't remember what kind the white ones were), all from around Cedar City area! Beautiful horses.
We were able to watch a wild west show featuring some movie stunt men, like Hotshot Johnny Tuscadero, Dr. Buck Mongomery, Gabby, and others. We saw movie stars like Dan Hagerty, Clint Walker, Dan Shanks, Neil Summers, and others. We saw Hotshot do his gun slinging, or twrilling.


Danette said...

sounds like some fun. Adam helped with the indian presentation for an eagle ceremony today. We didn't go to it to watch but we're proud of his willingness to get involved. Two more boys went to help. So while you were playing cowboys we were playing indians.

Andrea said...

Horse drawn carriages/wagons are so KEWL... They are beautiful horses!

Side note... my word Verification was "coryman"...

Gloria said...

okay andi, I'm asking what you mean word verification being 'coryman'. please expand on this.